Saturday, March 22, 2008

Rhiannon's Easter Masterpiece...

Just wanted to share a few things real quick while the baby's taking a siesta. Rhiannon just left for a week long stay at her dad's house in Maryland. She drew him this picture, which I just thought was too cute:

Yesterday my friend Vickie stopped by and brought us this awesome Easter Bunny cake. All that's left are his ears and half his bow tie!! If only he wasn't so yummy! Thanks Vick!

This morning we had a visit from some really nice folks that have a female bullmastiff. They want to breed their Vegas with our Torino. They are going to be some gorgeous pups. I just hope my hubby and I can keep our willpower up and take the money instead of a pup! If not I'll have to come up with a cute destination name somewhere midway between Torino, Italy and Las Vegas, Nevada. Our pug's name is Sicily and I often wonder how many people "get" the names.........

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That picture is darling! I can't wait to see those pups.