Thursday, March 20, 2008

What to do....

I rent space at The Craft & Antique Co-Op in Painesville Township. I have two 100 square foot spaces. I pay just about $200 per month, 20% of my sales, and have to volunteer to work three days per month. My dilemma is.... what to do with my children. The Co-Op is open Thursday thru Sunday from 10:00-5:00. My husband's mom was laid off from work and she had been watching the babe for me, on Fridays, so that I could put in my time. Rhiannon gets on the bus at 8:20 am and off at 4:00 so I would work at the wop (as my husband and I call it) until 3:30. Well... they called her back to work yesterday and to top things off, Rhiannon doesn't have school. Situations like this are just a huge reminder of my lack of family. I'll fgure it out, I've asked my friend Vickie if she'll watch them. She's one of the few people I trust with my babe. Here's the link to the Co-Op... it's a pretty neat place. Alas I just might have to pack it in here soon. It's not making me money, since the baby came along, because I just don't have the time to devote to it. It's too bad though because I have so many things that I need to get rid of!!

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