Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Adrian's First Auto-Rama

I know it is Tuesday already, but I am still feeling relief that this past weekend is over!! Two childrens' birthday parties, a trip to the West side of Cleveland for the Auto-Rama, dinner at Red Robin, and a mini shopping spree at Lowe's... I am pooped! The Auto-Rama was fun, but it is always a challenge to get a good look at things when you have two children in tote. The WCW wrestler, Scott Steiner, was in the lobby of the IX Center when we arrived, and was nice enough to pose for a photo with the family. Rhiannon was happy as a peach that she got her first autograph..... even if it was just from a gal with legs up to her neck in black hot pants. So now she has a car poster signed by the girl posing with the car. Wonder where we'll hang that. All in all it was a fun time.

I joined a forum at Makeitscrappy.com, and decided to partake in their template challenge. Here is my first submission:
Designer Credits: Template by Rose McDigital Designs - Kit: Pocketful of Posies by Leslie Emery

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