Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Well it has finally arrived. Adrian's pearly whites are trying to force their way out, and the poor little guy can't get any sleep. That of course means that mommy and daddy can't sleep either. A couple days ago I pulled a box of Rhiannon's baby stuff out of storage. I found the Fisher Price aquarium that attaches to the crib. I tell you what.... here's to you Mr. Fisher Price aquarium thingy inventor... your contraption, with it's wiggly fishys and lifelike (smirk) wave sounds, has made my baby forget his pain... even if momentarily. We salute you!

Our Easter was so uneventful it was wonderful. The most exciting thing we did all day was rent Superbad from Pay-Per-View. I laughed the whole time! Truly not a movie to watch if you don't have a sense of humor. You know who those people are too. They're the ones that after you have asked them... "hey did you see insert funny movie of your choice here?"... they purse their lips and retort back with something about how stupid that movie was. Well no shit. It was intended to be stupid and slap stick. They weren't looking to win an oscar or be known as intellectually stimulating. Give me a break. Life is too short not to have a sense of humor. Add that to my pet peeve list: people with no sense of humor! I am fortunate to have some great friends with great senses of humor. Love you guys!!

Here are a couple of layouts I did. The first one is to commemorate Rhiannon's first lost tooth! My friend and digital scrapbook mentor if you will, Rachel, created this coordinated kit just for me to use with these photos. I absolutely love it. The link to download this kit is on her blog at http://www.simplyracheluncensored.blogspot.com/. There are plenty of other elements so it can be used to scrap photos that are non tooth related. The next layout is another years' past layout. Rhiannon was 3 years old and sitting amongst the fallen leaves, in our front yard, picking dandelions. I shot so many photos that day and I had a tough time choosing my favorites for the layout. I just might have to make this one a two pager. I love how children see beauty in the simplest of things. When we see our lawn full of dandelions my husband runs to get the lawn mower to get rid of the nasty things... you know before the neighbors start to think we don't "maintain our lawn". Rhiannon on the other hand sees a yard full of pretty little yellow wild flowers. The world would be a better place if we all thought like children once in a while. I did create an Easter layout, but I'm not happy with it. I spent all morning downloading a huge Easter kit, just to find that I don't like it at all. See... size doesn't always matter. ha ha. I will find a better kit and rescrap those photos.

Designer credits: Under My Pillow by Steel City Scraps

Designer credits: Autumn Splendor by Christy Lyle

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