Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rhiannon's First Girl Scout Campout!

Rhiannon went to her first outting for Girl Scouts this morning... an overnight stay at Camp Lejnar in Leroy, Ohio. I shouldn't say it's the first outting, they did a dry run at the troop leaders house last month, but that is still just a tad different. She was so excited she could barely contain herself. My little Rhiannon will be seven on June 30th, but she is somewhat of a peanut. She tips the scales at a whopping 40 pounds. She has been petite since she was a baby... never making it out of the 10th percentile for height and weight. It was pretty amusing to see her with her backpack and camping gear. Her bag is bigger than she is... check it out..

On Thursday we took Torino to see his new girlfriend. In case you didn't read the older posts, we are trying to breed him with a female bullmastiff... well.. not much happened. Their vet told them to try again today, so they brought Vegas over this morning. A little more action but still not quite right. They ended up taking him home with them for a sleepover. Keep your fingers crossed.

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