Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Don't Do the Crime if You Can't Do the Time!

Back in January my husband had an 18 year old fella work for him for about a week. I'll call him Nimrod. Nimrod had worked for us for a few months back in the summer of '07 , and seemed to be a pretty good kid. This time he only worked with us for a total of eight days... five of which he was late for, and one that he called off completely. Corey kept telling him not to be late, but the final straw was Friday morning when he called at 9:30 am claiming car troubles. Corey informed him that he wasn't born yesterday. If your car doesn't start you are aware of this before you are supposed to be on the job site, not an hour and a half after you are supposed to be on the job site. He told him not to bother showing up on Monday... he wouldn't need him anymore. Nimrod came to our house that evening to pick up his check. Monday morning Corey arrived at the job site to find that all of his tools had been stolen. Hmmm. Who the hell do you suppose took them? Luckily they had not begun the tile installation process so he only got away with the floor prep and subfloor tools. Still worth $2500, it could have been a lot worse if his tile saws had been on the job. First thing I did was put a stop on the check. All of his other checks had been cashed at a local podunk beer joint, so chances were good that I still had a chance to keep the money from coming out of the account. The stop check took 24 hours to complete, but my attempt was a success. He either cashed it there or at a check cashing joint like Checksmart. My second call was to the police department of the very small and very affluent community where he committed the crime. We are talking 8 square miles of homes that are in the millions. Keep in mind we live in Northeast Ohio... a $200k house here would cost a million and a half in California. After giving them all of his information they began their investigation. He ended up confessing to the crime and returning two of the stolen tools. He sold the rest of them. They didn't arrest him on the spot, which Corey just could not comprehend, instead they filed the paperwork with the courts and served him with a direct indictment about 10 days ago. Of course he didn't bother to appear for his arraignment so they issued a warrant for his arrest. Being the busy body that I am, I had noticed that he was scheduled to appear at a court in our county for some other business. I called his probation officer to let him know of the warrant in the other county. The probation officer was not aware of the warrant and told me to call him back this afternoon for an update. I just got off the phone with him, and he has been arrested! So, he is facing two fifth degree felonies, whoever cashed his check is going to want to get paid eventually, and our insurance company is seeking restitution to the tune of $2500. Nimrod is facing a max of $5000 dollars in fines and up to 2 years in prison. I'm sure he won't get the max... but still. If he is ordered to pay restitution to the insurance company and fails to pay, they will suspend his driver's license. Last but not least is the "bad" check that he cashed that will probably haunt him until he pays it back. Tsk tsk. Pretty stupid act of vengeance on his part. He should have just dragged his ass out of bed and made it to work on time. Instead he thought it would be cool to steal from someone who truly does work his ass off to earn every cent we have. What a nimrod!


Rachel said...

Ok, he is a tool (pun intended there!) What a moron! He deserves whatever haunts him - because that shit doesn't just 'go' away! I am glad he is where he belongs! Kudos to you for your quick action :) Sounds like he messed with the wrong peeps this time. Idiot!

JustKelly said...

Don't you just love being a small business owner?! Glad you stuck it to him and he got what was coming.....I should blog about the rejects that didn't show up for work at our pizza shop on Saturday causing us to close for the day & miss a whole day of business. True nimrods!!