Thursday, April 24, 2008

I Fell Off the Bottle Feeding Wagon

I finally weaned Adrian from breastfeeding... for two days. I thought I was doing it fairly gradual, but I woke up yesterday morning in such pain (you moms know what I mean.... even if you didn't breastfeed...) that I gave in. He was doing so well, getting bottles all day long and nursing in the evening. It's me that is struggling with it. When I weaned Rhiannon, at 6 months, I was working full time, taking care of her, and taking care of my 85 year old grandfather. I am home with Adrian all day so I feel like I am being selfish. I know I'm probably being silly anyway.. he will be 8 months old tomorrow. I would never go past a year for sure, but I felt like I was ready to quit now. Those teeth are a little intimidating too! Well... maybe I'll try again tonight.

"Awww Mom! What do you mean I get no more boob?!!"

1 comment:

Rachel said...

OMG- Look at that hair!! I love it... that has to be the cutest picture and the caption is perfect.

Sending you an email now.