Add homemade soap making to my extensive list of hobbies. Or at least the list of things that I get myself involved with thinking I will have enough time to make it a hobby *snort*. Well I got frisky yesterday and I recruited Rhiannon to help me make some soap. It's been awhile and my husband keeps reminding me that my soap making paraphernalia takes up an entire cabinet in our kitchen. I simply retort back with something about his basket full of Hot Rod magazines dating back to the late '90s. He shuts up. So anyway... we finished our first batch of soap and, in my infinite clumsiness, I dumped the entire container of Jasmine scented oil on the kitchen floor. Scrub as I may I cannot get the smell out of the air. I'm sure it was absorbed into the grout. Today the smell has wafted down (down two steps that is) into my office. Completely fine for the first half of the day, but now I think I may vomit. This has probably ruined the smell of Jasmine for me.... kinda like the shea butter scented Huggie's wipes... they're fine for a tinkle diaper, but... well.. you get the idea. Now that is two ingredients I will no longer be putting in my soaps.
I never should have dabbled with templates. I made another page from Anastasia's wedding. I can bang out a page in 15 minutes using a template. About an hour when I don't. Talk about feeling like you've accomplished something. I told Rachel that I feel like I am cheating my creativity, so I will try not to get addicted to these template thingys. Suppose I should scrap a page or two from my own wedding. I was heartbroken to find that the second disk of my wedding photos is empty. Where the hell did they go? How could they have disappeared? Luckily I have a physical album with all of the photos. I guess I will have to scan them in my free time.... all 2 seconds of it.
Template by Andrea Gold, papers from The Promise Collection by shabbyprincess and Be Mine by Retrodiva Designs, element from Elevation by A. Teets.
Funny that its Jasmine - thats the candle I am burning in my living room right now! That scent reminds me of my grandmother.
Found your Blog while looking for other soap makers. I know what you mean about yet one more craft. Love your blog, glad I found it. Sure know what you mean about smells. Never tried Jasmine, should I? Ha
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