Thursday, September 18, 2008

They Just Keep Getting Less and Less Comfortable...

When I was pregnant with Rhiannon it was truly a breeze! I never experienced morning sickness, I never missed a beat at work... in fact I was in the office the day before she was born, and in the hospital later that evening to be induced. I only gained 35 pounds and was back wearing my size 6 wardrobe by the time she was 7 months old. My weight always fluctuates a little between a 6 and an 8. I decided in 2006 that maybe I should give my body a break from the birth control. My doctor told me that the birth control pills of today were not like the days of old, and that there were many benefits to the Yasmine I was taking. One of them being that it actually helps keep your weight down.... snort. Well, he was right! I stopped taking the Yasmine and quickly gained extra weight... not to mention ending up pregnant with Adrian! So everyone that knows me knows that pregnancy number 3 here was a surprise ( a pleasant one albeit). I weaned Adrian from breastfeeding at 8 months and was pregnant and didn't even know it. I thought I was going to lose my extra 40 pounds (to get back to my 6 and my HUGE closet full of figure flattering clothes), and enjoy some margaritas and appletinis throughout the summer! Snort again! Well I just have to say that this pregnancy is really uncomfortable... and I am not a wimp. Maybe I just didn't have enough time to heal completely between the two preganancies. That is what I keep getting told by the ladies of the older generations anyway. Have you ever noticed that when you buy a new car, all of the sudden you realize all of the other people driving around in the same make and model? I am now like that with mothers of children that are close in age. I feel compelled to ask them "how far apart in age are they?" You know what they say... misery loves company, and I guess I am finding comfort in the fact that there are so many people out there with children that are less than a year and a half apart in age like my two boys will be. 16 months apart to be exact. Yikes!!
Well as far as the goings on with the fam.... Adrian turned 1 year old on the 25th of August, and we had a little pary for him on september 7th. Here he is eating his cake:

Rhiannon started the second grade and just loves it. She is also in the midst of her midget football league cheerleading, and her first Brownie meeting of the new year is tonight. Here she is on her first day of school, and cheering at her first game of the season:

Corey is busy as ever at work! He wants a four wheeler so that he and Rhiannon can go trail riding together, so he has decided to sell one of our Mustangs. Here she is all pretty and waiting for a new owner...

And without further ado... here is everybody's first look at Rush Jacob...

He looks like he has a full head of hair already!! Hence this awful heartburn!!